You are dying at every moment so that
You can keep creating yourself.
You are not in the world;
The world is in you.
This, the main tenet of the one reality,
Also means that you are not in your body;
Your body is in you.
You are not in your mind; your mind is in you.
There is no place in the brain
Where a person can be found.
Your brain consumes not one molecule of glucose
To maintain your sense of self,
Despite the millions of synaptic bursts
That sustain all the things
That self is doing in the world.
So when we say that the soul
Leaves a person’s body at the moment of death,
It would be more correct to say
That the body leaves the soul.
The body is already coming and going;
Now it leaves without coming back.
The soul can’t leave because it has nowhere to go.
This radical proposition needs a bit of discussion
Because, if you aren’t already going anywhere
When you die, you must be there already.
This is one of those paradoxes from quantum physics
Whose understanding depends upon knowing
Where things come from in the first place.
When you bring a memory to mind,
You are actualizing an event.
Synaptic firings produce the memory,
Replete with visuals, taste, and smell
If you want them.
That is, you have the potential for memory,
Which is infinitely vaster than a single memory
But nowhere in sight. This field extends invisibly
In all directions; the hidden dimensions
We’ve been discussing can all be explained
As different fields embedded in one infinity field,
Which is being itself.
You are the field.