Friday, November 14, 2008

Digha Nikaya

Sakka asked the Buddha:

"Do different religious teachers
Head for the same goal
Or practice the same disciplines
Or aspire to the same thing?"

"No, Sakka, they do not. And why?
This world is made up of
Myriad different states of being,
And people adhere to one or another of these states
And become tenaciously possessive of them,
Saying, 'This alone is true, everything else is false.'
It is like a territory that they believe is theirs.
So all religious teachers do not teach the same goal
Or the same discipline,
Nor do they aspire to the same thing.
But if you find truth in any religion or philosophy,
Then accept that truth without prejudice."

Pema Chodron

The dharma that is taught
And the dharma that is experienced
Are descriptions of how to live,
How to use your life to wake you up
Rather than put you to sleep.
And if you choose to spend the rest of your life
Trying to find out what awake means
And what asleep means,
I think you might attain enlightenment.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sai Baba

"Before you speak, ask yourself,
Is it kind, is it necessary, is it true,
Does it improve on the silence?"

Adept Godrakpa, "Hermit of Go Cliffs"

Body impermanent like spring mist;
Mind insubstantial like empty sky;
Thoughts unestablished like breezes in space.
Think about these three points over and over.-

Monday, November 10, 2008

Dhammapada, 6.

Everywhere, truly, those of integrity stand apart.
They, the good, don't chatter in hopes
Of favor or gains.
When touched now by pleasure, now pain,
The wise give no sign of high or low.