Friday, April 23, 2010

Chopra on creation, the phenomenol field, and the ego

To say that you are a creator
Isn’t the same as to say that your ego is.
The ego will always remain attached
To your personality,
And certainly your personality
Doesn’t create everything around you.

Creation doesn’t happen on that level.

Let’s see, then, if we can get closer
To the real creator inside you.
We’ll do this by mediation on a rose.

Find a beautiful rose and hold it in front of you.
Inhale the fragrance and say to yourself,
“Without me, this flower would have no fragrance.”
Take in the glowing crimson color and say to yourself,
“Without me this rose would have no color.”
Stroke the velvety petals and say to yourself,
“Without me, this flower would have no texture.”
Realize that if you subtract yourself from any sensation
– sight, sound, touch, taste, smell –
The rose would be nothing but atoms vibrating in a void.

Now consider the DNA that is inside each cell of the rose.
Visualize the billions of atoms strung along in a double helix
And say to yourself,
“My DNA is looking at the DNA in this flower.
The experience is not as an observer looking at an object.
DNA is one form is looking at DNA in another form.”

Now see the DNA begin to shimmer
And turn into invisible vibrations of energy.
I have vanished into my primal energy.
Now only one energy field is looking at another energy field.”

Finally, see the boundary between your energy
And the rose’s energy fade as one set of waves
Merges into another, like ocean waves rising and falling
On the vast surface of an endless sea.

Say to yourself,
“All energy comes from one source and returns to it.
When I look at a rose, a tiny flicker of infinity
Is rising from the source to experience itself.”

Having followed this trail, you have arrived at what is truly real:
An infinite, silent energy field
Flickered for an instant, experiencing an object (the rose)
And a subject (you the observer) without going anywhere.
You and the rose stood at opposites poles of that moment,
Yet there was no separation.
A single creative stroke took place, fusing you both.


Performance Notes said...

That was enjoyable Jon.
Thought you may enjoy this:
Be in touch soon.

Performance Notes said...

Oh "Performance Notes" is Fred :-)